
Welcome to Vegan Indian Chef.


This site introduces Vegan Indian dishes to those foodies who are interested in cooking vegan Indian food. Indian cuisine brings several millennium of cooking practices and has perfected the use of a multitude of herbs, spices and condiments to bring out the best in flavor and taste using many many vegetables, legumes and pulses. There is a myriad of vegan dishes that you can make. 

More important, with my recipes you need no experience in cooking to make any of the dishes given. My goal is to make it as easy as possible for you and demystify cooking with spices. And don’t forget – you can play around with the spices to create news flavors that tickle your palate.

Some of these recipes have been passed down through generations in my family and the dishes have been perfected over many many years. Others are new and my own creation.

Remember to always follow your intuition as a chef and add your own flair to the cuisine. Last, don’t forget to give me your comments, critics and kudos! That will get me going.

Thanks for visiting! Happy cooking!!
